Okay. Ive gotten capitalist pig on piglit mode with $650. Ive also gotten capitalsit pig on porker modd. with $2000+ for the last few days. My problem, though, is that my highscore on whole hog is $1500

(. The thing that makes this so hard is thr fact that the customers are highly sensitive to your recipe. On the day when the arctic tour group visits, I couldnt afford the ice need, so opening on that day only made me lose rep., so instead, I closed on that day, knowing that woul lessep the rep that I would lose. One day the juice will be to sweet, and the next it wont be sweet enough. Any tips for my situation? In other news, ive been going for the Spendthrift trophy for a while now, and there re still ome upgrades in the tree i can tell havent found. Could you post a pic. of the upgrade tree?